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October 3rd, 2018

Now running Apache 2.4.35

Posted at 07:44:08 PM by froems

The HTTPD software has been updated again, to the most recent release. Everything is working and stable.

September 19th, 2018

Now running PHP 7.2.10

Posted at 04:26:10 PM by froems

PHP has been upgraded to 7.2.10 without any issues. I tried to update OpenSSL to 1.1.0 at the same time, but that particular upgrade seems to have GCC dependencies that I don't want to have to deal with right now. It will probably go in with the next major Slackware release.

August 24th, 2018

PHP 7.2.9, Apache 2.4.34, and openssl 1.1.0i all running

Posted at 06:08:47 PM by froems

Yet another set of software updates were available, and they were all installed without any issues.

June 30th, 2018

Now running PHP 7.2.7

Posted at 06:30:57 AM by froems

Same routine... new version of PHP, downloaded, compiled, tested, it's all working, etc.

May 29th, 2018

Now running PHP 7.2.6

Posted at 09:00:03 PM by froems

Another PHP upgrade. Compiled it, installed it, everything is working.

May 3rd, 2018

Now running PHP 7.2.5

Posted at 01:23:25 PM by froems

Another PHP patch was released, I downloaded it, compiled it, and installed it, and everything seems to be working.

April 4th, 2018

Now running Apache 2.4.33, PHP 7.2.4, and OpenSSL 1.0.2o

Posted at 03:39:36 PM by froems

I installed the OpenSSL package from Slackware64-current, and compiled Apache and PHP from source to get the latest versions up and running. I also renewed the HTTPD certificate manually, as the auto-renew feature wasn't working properly.

Everything appears to be in good working order after the upgrade.

March 13th, 2018

Now running PHP 7.2.3

Posted at 08:48:14 PM by froems

PHP released a security update. I downloaded, compiled, and installed it. It appears to be working.

December 20th, 2017

Now running Apache 2.4.29 and PHP 7.2.0

Posted at 03:17:38 AM by froems

I've been too busy to post updates lately, but I have updated the site software to Apache 2.4.29 with PHP 7.2.0. I will be checking all of the PHP scripts to ensure that they still work after the jump to a new major release.

July 26th, 2017

Now running Apache 2.4.27 and serving XHTML5!

Posted at 06:26:47 PM by froems

I upgraded the web server to the newest version once again.

I also updated the site generation code to change it from XHTML 1.1 compliant to Polyglot HTML5/XHTML5 compliant. This only required a few small changes: some changes to the HTML header and some changes to HTML entities that were not recognized by XML and needed to be converted to Unicode entities.